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Afro Eyebrow Transplant

Specialist in Afro Eyebrows
CONSULTATION0207 404 0072

Afro Eyebrow Transplant

First of all welcome to the Holborn Clinic. We hope you find out site informative. The following page has short videos and images that will take you through the procedure. I must warn you that some show blood and the skin being cut. I feel it is important that you see exactly what to expect.

How can we Help?

So, you are probably looking into having an afro eyebrow transplant? Also, trying to figure out what is involved and cost. Well, this page should answer all of your questions. If not please feel free to give us a bell.

Afro Eyebrow transplants are becoming a growing trend. However there are a few things that you need to know before you undertake such a procedure. Please read on and all will be explained.

Free Consultation – Afro Eyebrow Transplants

First of all, the simplest way to establish if you are suitable is to arrange a free consultation with our team. It takes around 30 minutes. During this time we can assess your suitability. Not everyone is suitable. for instance, those with alopecia of the eyebrows which is a common hair loss condition that affects many. Furthermore the condition of the skin needs to be assessed to confirm a good donor site.

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afro eyebrow transplant
afro eyebrow transplant

Afro Eyebrow Transplant FUT or FUE?

There are two eyebrow transplant techniques. First of all the FUE (follicular unit extraction) which takes individual hairs from the donor site (back of the head). The FUE as a rule would only be used where the hairs are straight. In other words this would not be used in afro eyebrow transplant cases. There are some that would suggest this can be done.

Yes it is possible but the risk in my view and that of my surgeons is too high to the patient. Put simply, the FUE machine extract in a linear format in other words they go into the skin and around the hair straight. Therefore there is a high risk that the hairs will be transected or severed as there is no way of knowing the curved shape of the hair inside the skin. I would add there is no way of accurately denoting the direction of hair under the skin either.

FUT is the preferred option for Afro Eyebrow Transplants

Therefore, the FUT procedure is the only one that I would recommend for afro eyebrow transplant cases. The FUT (follicular unit transplant) also known as the strip graft technique involves the taking of an area of skin from the donor site. Once taken the hairs are extracted form the strip under a microscope by trained staff.

Most noteworthy, the placing of the hairs once extracted is the same in both cases. This page goes through the FUT procedure step by step.

Lets get started

Ok, so on the day of the procedure, you arrive around 0900. First of all the doctor will give you a final medical check up. Most noteworthy, you would have completed an in depth medical questionnaire in addition to having your medical status discussed as your initial consultation. Also you would have been advised on how to prepare for the day. Such as no alcohol, aspirin, vitamins, recreational drugs for 7 days prior. Not forgetting you must have something to eat for breakfast. Once we are happy that you are well and fit to proceed with the afro eyebrow transplant then we can get started.

Drawing the Eyebrows

First of all, care and a lot of thought should be taken when drawing in the eyebrows. We have a resident eyebrow master called Marie. Marie is a previous patient and welcomes anyone to come in to see her brows. Maybe you can draw a few yourself prior to arrival and take a few pictures. Its a good idea to have ideas of what exactly you want. I have to say that most patients know exactly the look that they would like to have.

The afro eyebrows are drawn in pencil to get the right shape and then covered in a marker pen. Checked, double checked by ALL the team and of course you.

Dr Sciacca creating the incisions

Dr Sciacca is the medical lead and may decide to create the incisions first. Also this will give us an accurate amount of grafts required. 

So, you may ask how do we create the incisions? Well, using single use sterile needle holder, a razor sharp blade set at 0.9mm (in most cases) is attached. Dr Sciacca will slide this into the skin at the correct angle as many times as required to fill the eyebrows. Every patient has different requests with direction of hairs and shape hence every case is different.

Furthermore, some patients want thicker and bigger brows so the amount of incision varies from patient to patient. Either way Dr Sciacca will create the brows that you ask for. 

Preparing the Donor Site

We may or may not create the incisions first. This refers to the holes we create to allow the extracted hairs to locate. Either way, the donor site must be prepared. So, the first thing is to establish the density of the donor site. Also, confirm the best location to take the strip. This is where the surgeon will examine the patients scalp and create the most accurate size of strip to take to facilitate the amount of grafts needed. 

Next, the hair is parted and the area is shaved. So, the area we shave will be the exact area of the strip. 

Once this is done the surgeon can numb the region to allow the strip to be taken. This is by local anaesthetic. So you will be fully awake and of course feel no pain throughout the procedure. 


Local Anaesthetic

Firstly, the local anaesthetic means that the area we are working on only will be numbed of any pain. The question that I always get asked in will the injections hurt. Well, they can do. Patients vary in their pain thresh hold. Some feel almost nothing whereas others feel much more. Remember, they are over quickly and once they are done then thats it for the day. Albeit on some occasions we might need to give a top up. 

So throughout the procedure you will fell no pain. We often find that patients will actually fall asleep during some parts of the afro eyebrow transplant. 

The injections are placed where required. Therefore the eyebrows will need them too. There are multiply injections to both the donor and recipient area. 


Taking the strip

So the next stage is to take the strip. After the injections are complete the surgeon assisted by his team will cut the strip using sterile single use blades and equipment. This might sound a strange thing to say but some clinics use the same equipment on different patients. Of course they will be sterilized but in my view single use equipment that are only used once is the best and safest option to avoid cross contamination. 

You will see in the video that this doesn’t take long to do. Of course the size of the strip is minimal as we only need around 600-1000 grafts in most cases. 

Most noteworthy, you won’t feel any pain but your hearing will be heightened therefore you will hear the strip being cut. Described as a surreal experience by some. 


Stitching the Donor Site

Ok, so once the strip had been taken then of course the wound needs to be closed. The area is firstly cleaned and any bleeding stemmed. In all honestly, there isn’t normally a lot of bleeding in this area. 

The surgeon and his assistant will firstly, close the inner cutaneous layer with the first layer of stitching. After this the Epidermal layer is closed and stitched. Afro Eyebrow transplant donor site stitching is no different to that of other skin types. 

Afro skin on the other hand has a higher chance of scarring in the form of Keloid. Care needs to be taken to close the stitches with limited trauma to the donor site. Dr Sciacca our resident surgeon has a steady hand and in my view closes wounds using precision and care and is the best in this field of excellence. 


Cutting the grafts

So this is where the technical staff come into their own. Using microscopes and using single use precision tools they carefully cut the strip firstly in to small lines. Now the grafts can be cut to shape.

Most noteworthy, all of our technical team have had years of training and experience and know exactly how to use the grafts to the perfect shape to allow them to be placed promoting the best possible result.

This process takes time. However, it is important to get the grafts back into their new how as expeditiously as possible.

Planting the Grafts

Finally, we are now at the stage where we can plant the grafts in the recipient area also known as the eyebrows. This is where again the technical team governed by the head technician Miss Claire Stevens will plant the grafts. 

The use of magnification lenses will ensure the grafts go in as they should. Most noteworthy, afro eyebrow transplants are not easy to do. Don’t forget the incisions are made straight but the grafts or hairs themselves are curly. Therefore they need to be placed with precision and at the right angle. Years of training and experience is needed to even attempt to do an afro eyebrow transplant. Luckily my team all have a wealth of talent and experience in this field therefore they all conduct themselves making their job look easy. 



All Finished

So, we have come to the end of the procedure. Time to rap up and get you safely home. But before we do that, I will run through some after care instructions. Also we will give you instructions for you to take with you. Not forgetting medication such as antibiotics,  and anti inflammatory drugs. 

Once you leave the clinic I will be in contact with you on a regular basis. As a rule I will be in contact every day for the first week or so. After this I will contact you to ensure you are keeping the grafts clean and there are no complications. 

Aftercare is an important part of the process. We will be with you every step of the way until the eyebrows bloom. 


Price £3500-£4000

Registered with the Trichological Society

Things you need to know

  1. So we are taking the hairs from the back of the head and placing them on to the eyebrows. That means your eyebrow hairs will grow like that of the hair on the head. So this means that they will grow long and curly just like that of the head hair.
  2. The new eyebrows will have the same curl as that of the head. So be prepared that your new brows will need some training. Its easy to do but you will have to do this regularly.
  3. FUE is not suitable for afro cases. You may find that some clinics will offer this service. This will probably be because they are not qualified as a surgeon.

I hope that this page has been informative. Please feel free to give us a call and we can answer any questions you may have.

Thanks for reading.


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0207 404 0072

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0207 404 0072