Eyebrow Transplant and Afro Eyebrow Transplants
Eyebrow Transplant is fast becoming a trend in today’s society. The Procedure is suitable for all skin types. This is a simple surgical procedure for both men and women. So many women have spend years plucking their eyebrows as a result are left with permanent hair loss. The only way to get your eyebrows back is to have them surgically implanted. A simple process and cost effective giving you those eyebrows back.
Price range £3000 and £3500 depending on patient requirements.
We are an approved practice based in the heart of Holborn. (Please note if you have lost your eyebrows through alopecia areata, alopecia totalis this service is not for you)
Book your Free Consultation Now!

So How Does An Eyebrow Transplant Work?
Hair is transplanted from the donor site to the recipient region using one of two methods. FUT also known as follicular unit transplantation or FUE or follicular unit extraction.
Both have equal results however, the FUT may only be conducted by a registered Surgeon where an FUE may be conducted by a GP.
The Eyebrow Transplant Procedure
Ok, so as you would expect we would need to see you for an initial consultation. I might add this is a free service. This is where we can assess you situation and confirm your suitability. Not everyone can have eyebrow surgery. Alopecia of the eyebrows is often a problem. Skin complaints may well cause complications as well. If you are suitable, we can then confirm your requirements. Furthermore one of the trichologists will run through the procedure and answer any questions or concerns you might have. Oh yes, I will advise you on the cost to.
Our resident Eyebrow Transplant surgeon Dr Luciano Sciacca will meet you before the procedure to confirm medically, that you are suitable. Also, it’s important to me that you feel comfortable with the Surgeon.
Dr Luciano Sciacca
Dr Sciacca our resident eyebrow transplant specialist came from a background the vascular surgery field. Turning to hair, beard and eyebrow transplants over 10 years ago. During this time he has worked a numerous hair clinic and in numerous countries conducting these surgical procedures. We are lucky to offer his services which in my view are second to none. His relaxed, friendly but professional attitude, puts patients at ease from the moment they walk in. HIs results in all cases are amazing.
Dr Sciacca in my view leads the field in offering this service to Afro Hair types along with Caucasoid and Mongaloid.
Marie Royce Book Resident Eyebrow Master
Marie was a former patient of Dr Sciacca. Her eyebrows are a testament to Dr Sciacca’s excellence. Mrs Book is our resident eyebrow master and will assist you in choosing the eyebrows that you have always wanted. Her eye for perfection helps our patients create the perfect and more importantly, that natural look. Marie will be with you at every step of the way from consultation to the day of the procedure. Assisting the surgical team to shape and design the perfect brow.
The Eyebrow Transplant Procedure
There are two types of procedure. FUE and FUT. With both procedures there is a need to shave a small area at the donor site as the diagram shows. With the FUT, also known as the strip graft, we taken a strip of skin which is closed and stitched. In FUT cases, the shaved area is closed up hence you will not have to wait for the hair to grow. The FUE is a process where we take individual grafts from the shaved region. Once taken the area is left to heal and for the hair to grow. Within a week or so the shaved area will cover any surgical marks left.
Injections and Incisions
Once the local Anaesthetic is administered Dr Sciacca will create the incisions. These are the new invaginations that the hairs will be implanted later. Every patient is different. The number of incisions will be exact so as to ensure we take only those hairs that are required.
The term local anaesthetic means that the patient will be fully awake and aware of everything that occurs. Most importantly, you will feel no pain. You will be relaxed and enjoy some music or watch a movie. Or like many patients you may just fall asleep. This choice is yours.
Extraction from the Donor area
Dr Sciacca will take the required amount of hair carefully and meticulously, using a punch that extracts the hairs from the shaved area. Care must be taken to ensure no other grafts are damaged. The hairs are counted and shaped if required to ensure they fit into the incisions appropriately. This is a role that only a doctor should do.
The hairs are placed in a sterile solution for a limited time until we can implant the grafts.
Implanting the Grafts
Ok, so we are now ready implant the grafts. This occurs after lunch. it would be normal to extract grafts containing 1, 2, 3 and maybe 4 or sometimes 5 grafts. The key with creating a natural look is deciding where to place the grafts. generally the 1’s will be placed around the boarder, with this higher numbers in the main body to ensure the thickness.
It is the technicians that implant the grafts. It takes many years of training to become a master at such a procedure. Also, a good level of dexterity and a steady hand.
Almost finished
Once the grafts have been placed under the strict supervision of Dr Sciacca, its time to go home and relax. Before that though it’s time to go through the after care. This normally takes around 30 minutes. Dr Sciacca will go through how to wash, and look after the grafts. I will give you an information package on everything that you need to know.
I will apologise now but once you leave I will be in contact with you on a daily basis certainly for the first week. You are under the care of my clinic hence I want to know that everything is going to plan. You are invited to return to the clinic any time. Normally we expect patients to return after 10 days for assessment and if required to help you remove the scabs that form. After the scabs are removed, you can relax a little more as you have passed the point of where there is a potential danger to the implanted grafts.
Now its time to sit back, relax and wait for the grafts to grow. Remember this can take up to 12 months. in some cases it may take longer. I will give you mine and the surgeons 24/7 phone number to call at any time.
Thanks for reading. Hope you will consider us when choosing your eyebrow transplant.
Free Consultation
If you would like to find out more about an eyebrow transplant please give us a ring or arrange a free consultation. At Consultation our specialist consultants will discuss your suitability, the procedure itself as well as pricing which varies from patient to patient. Your medical history will also be discussed.
Your initial consultation will be with a qualified TTS Reg. Trichologist who will answer any questions you have. We will then invite you to meet our experienced Eyebrow Surgeon Dr Luciano Sciacca will be happy to see you. It is important that you see the Surgeon before hand to make sure you feel comfortable. There is no obligation and we do not have sales persons working at out practice. We only have medical personnel who are very experienced in this field of cosmetic surgery.
Frequently asked questions on Eyebrow Surgery
Is it safe?
All surgical procedure have a level of risk attached. An eyebrow transplant is considered minor cosmetic surgery under local anaesthetic. However, when conducted in the right way by a highly experiences surgeon those risk are minimal.
How long does it take?
An eyebrow transplant will take a matter of hours to complete almost like going to the dentist.
Will it work?
Most noteworthy being that an eyebrow transplant involves only a small amount of donor hair. Although there is always a possibility of the hairs rejecting, it is unlikely and the success rate is excellent.
An Eyebrow Transplant may be conducted on both men and women. Although the majority of patients tend to be female. This is a life changing opportunity to gain back that confidence. Have the perfect eyebrows just as you have always wanted.
We would be please to answer any questions that you have in relation to an eyebrow transplant so give us a ring. You can arrange a free consultation with our team of specialists surgeons.
Does it Hurt?
You are under local anaesthetic so you will not feel any pain. The initial injections may hold a degree of discomfort.
How long will the hair take to grow?
This varies from immediate to 18 months.
Can I have an Eyebrow Transplant if I have HIV?
The answer is yes. We will of course discuss your medical status and will only conduct an eyebrow transplant if there is no risk to yourself.
Can I have a transplant with Alopecia Areata?
Most cases of Alopecia Areata would prevent a hair transplant taking place. However, in some cases this is possible. There are a lot of factors to consider. If you have lost your eyebrows through alopecia of the eyebrows or universals then we are unable to help.
How much time do I need to take off work?
Most patients take a week off work after an eyebrow transplant as this will reduce the risk of damaging the grafts. You can however go back to work within a few days if this is required.
Afro Eyebrow Transplant
So as an afro hair patient the eyebrows just like that of Caucasoid and Mongoloid hair types fall foul of misadventure. Furthermore, it is believed by many that afro eyebrows are not something that should be attempted when discussing transplants.
Well, let me tell you that this is wrong. Afro eyebrow transplants are an up and coming trend. I will say though that attempting afro eyebrow transplants takes skill and experience. The Holborn Clinic has experience and knowledge when conducting such a procedure so you are in safe hands.
So if you are afro, or mixed heritage then perhaps you would like to give us a call and we can perhaps help you get those brows that have been missing for so long? So, maybe we will speak with you soon.
Afro Eyebrow Transplant
Firstly, Afro Eyebrow surgery is a popular trend. Also, like other skin types hair is transferred from the donor site to the eyebrows. So full eyebrows can be obtained using this method. So what are the differences? most noteworthy, the hairs are very curly at the back of the head. Furthermore these are as a rule the only hairs that we would transfer. I often get asked if we can take hairs from other parts of the body for the eyebrows. It is possible but unlikely, as there is a much greater risk of rejection. Furthermore, the hairs transferred will remain curly and will also need to be trained and trimmed regularly. The overall result will be fantastic full eyebrows but you will need to look after them. Most of you girls will probably smile here as this is normal part of your daily routine anyway.