First of all this condition is a hair shaft defect. Antother factor is that it shows similarities to other hair shaft defects. Most noteworthy the following information is not to aid self diagnosis but to offer information for your perusal. Maybe you are seeking advice on this or another hair shaft defect? Perhaps a hair loss or scalp condition? Maybe you want to to book a consultation? If so then drop us a line on the contact section below or simple give us a ring.
Is the Club hair a natural process?
To start with this condition is the sudden ceasing of the production of new cells causing the hair shaft to become club shaped. Furthermore this process occurs naturally as the hair shaft moves to its resting or telegenic phase.
Most noteworthy the club shape actually creates a wedge stopping the hair falling. Also the hair no longer receives nutrients and sits waiting to fall in a lifeless state. Natural washing, combing, brushing and styling etc is will eventually assist these hairs to leave the follicle. These hairs tend to remain within the hair follicle until the new hair is formed which assists in its epilation.
Also does the club hair indicate a hair loss condition?
Although these club hairs form part of our natural cycle it should be noted that many hair loss conditions will present such hair formations. For example, telogen effluvium, representing the premature movement of hair follicles from anagen (growth phase) to telogen (resting phase) hence the formation of an increased number of clubbed hairs. The key with dealing with this or any form of hair shedding is to speak with a trichologist who will tell you exactly what is happening.
Furthermore Is there treatment
Treatment may be offered in many cases of such hair loss. Primary concern should be to establish a diagnosis from a professional trichologist. We are best placed to offer treatment if appropriate. Club hair may be helped through a process of stimulation to encourage the hairs to shed allowing new growth to push through. TTS Registered.