FUE FUT Transplant
FUE Hair Transplant
FUT Hair Transplant

FUE 2300 grafts. You can see the area where hair has been planted. Image taken 1 week after procedure. Also you see the plugs present which are about to be removed.

Finally the result. 12 months after the Procedure. A beautiful natural hair line.
At the Holborn Clinic we will advise you on the best course of surgery for you to obtain the best results. There are some differences in both FUE and FUT hair transplant. This is important for you to understand so please take a moment to read this page. The primary objective after patient care and safety is that of the best result. In some cases FUT will be the preferred option. Please give us a ring if you would like to speak with one of us who will be glad to answer any of your question.
FUE FUT Transplant Difference
First of all in an FUE hair transplant individual grafts are taken from the donor site. In an FUT hair transplant, a thin strip of skin is taken from the donor site. FUE cases will recover within a few weeks. FUT cases will take up to 5 weeks to recover. In both cases you as the patient will be able to return to work within a few days.
FUE as a rule would not be used in cases of Afro Hair surgery cases. FUT would not as a rule be used with males who want a very short hair style. Scarring is present in both FUE FUT Transplant cases. FUT is in the form of a linear scar and the FUE will be tiny micro scars virtually undetectable to the naked eye.
Both FUE FUT Transplants take around the same time to complete. An FUT transplant can only be conducted by a qualified surgeon where as an FUE procedure can be performed by a qualified doctor. Both FUE FUT transplants are considered minor cosmetic surgery.
The Holborn Clinic
Free Consultation
We invite you to come in for a free consultation. I’m sure you will have lots of questions that we can answer for you. You are given a full medical review and suitability assessment. Also we will give you a price. We do not price per graft. Instead we charge for the complete procedure. We can discuss the most appropriate technique to suit you. Most of all taking into account your requirements. Most will take around 30 minutes.
You are welcome to give us a call and speak with one of us prior to arranging a consultation. We are happy to a answer any questions that you have. Please note we will be unable to give an accurate price however, if you were to send some images this may assist. The best option is to arrange a consultation at the clinic.
FUE Hair Transplant
First of all we will confirm you are healthy and ready for the procedure. I full health check will be given by the Surgeon. We then draw the required coverage on the scalp. Most importantly discussing this with you. Shaving the donor site is next. This is shaved to a zero to allow us to take the grafts correctly avoiding the risk of damage. A Local anaesthetic is administered by the Surgeon. Follicular units are taken from the donor site by the surgeon. You are awake throughout the FUE Hair Transplant. Finally the units are transplanted to the required site.
Most noteworthy is that of the experience and expertise of the surgeon when ensuring a natural look. The angles of hair growth, in addition density, donor hair suitability and especially relevant patients requirements. The hair when transplanted must feel and grow normally. The Procedure takes around 6-8 hours depending on the numbers.
FUT Hair Transplant
Follicular unit transplantation refers to a surgical technique where upon units of 1-4 hairs (follicular units) are transplanted from one location (donor site) to where required. The unit itself contains nerves, a sebaceous gland, the arrector pili muscle, dermal papilla and in some cases a vellus hair. Transferring in such units will allow such numbers in the low thousands to be transferred in a single session.
Once the strip has been taken from the donor site, stereo-microscopic dissection takes place. This will ensure the maximum amount of successful grafts are taken which limits the possibility of damaging the units. It should be noted that size of units varies from patient to patient. Care should be taken to make sure the unit size is the same as that of surrounding hair. Taking such small units will of course add to the over all natural look.
Cutting the Grafts
Dissection will trim each unit to allow this to be placed within its new recipient site reducing trauma to connective tissue and blood supply. This in turn will minimize trauma to the patient and reduce any possible scaring. The new site evolves through an incision created by the surgeon. The incisions are small and needle like thus promoting a snug fit which will encourage stability and rapid healing.
Strip grafting (FUT) will take longer to heal compared to that of FUE. In addition there will be a scar that will remain. However, surrounding hair will mask any scar tissue adequately.
before and after (please click here for more image)
Whether to choose FUT (follicular Unit Transplantation) or FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) will be a discussion with the surgeon.
FUE Case
This FUE case was of a male aged 34 years old. Have a close look at the first image that shows what the hair head will look like post FUE Hair Transplant. You can see the huge number of grafts used. The middle pictures show approx 1 week post procedure. Notice the dark plugs that cover the follicles. The 4th image was take around 6 months post operation. The hair is growing well. The patient now has a fantastic head of hair.
2500 graft FUE. Results are fantastic. Patient now has a full head of hair and is very happy.
Finally in conclusion this is a life changing experience for most patients. We will make sure that every FUE hair transplant or FUT hair transplant is completed on suitable patients. In addition by the best hair restoration surgeons and technicians.
FUE FUT Transplant FAQ
Firstly I am 19 years old. Maybe too young for Surgery. Also is my hair loss going to get worse?
While this is a possible solution for your hair loss I encourage you to see a trichologist. Maybe you have a temporary hair loss condition that will grow back on its own? Another issue is how much hair and how is it falling? Above all in my view 19 is too young for an FUE FUT transplant. Maybe in years to come this might be an option. Hence go and see a trichologist who can offer the correct advice. You can certainly come and see me if you wish.
First of all does a FUT transplant hurt?
Almost all procedures we do the patient will feel some discomfort when having the local anaesthetic. Whilst during the procedure you will feel no pain at all.
I want to know how many grafts I need?
Numbers of grafts is an individual thing. Maybe you should consider visiting a FUE FUT Transplant clinic and let them tell you. I would be happy to help you with this. Most clinics offer a free consultation. Feel free to ring me if you have any other questions.
Firstly I am a very busy man and would only have a few days that I could taken off. Is that OK? Likewise I want to know the recovery time and does the head remain red?
First of all recovery time varies as mentioned above. FUE FUT transplant procedure reciprocal sites take a similar time to heal. This would be a couple of weeks. The scalp will probably remain red for a week or so. Almost all patients can return to work within a few days. It is probably a good idea to take a week off though.
I am a Black Lady who had traction Alopecia. Is this something that you can help with please?
Firstly, this will very much depend on the amount of hair that you have lost. Furthermore women often suffer from a condition call Frontal Fibrosiing Alopecia which is often mistaken for Traction Alopecia. This is certainly an option for you but I would need to see you and examine the hair loss to confirm you are suitable.