The FAQ Hair Transplant page is here to offer some answers to the most common questions that we get asked. Furthermore, there are some FAQ on various clinical pages on this site. If you have any specific question please give us a ring on the number above.
FAQ Hair Transplant
Question. How do I know that the surgeon is qualified?
The simplest way is to go online to the GMC website and if the surgeon is registered then they will be listed. You can also contact the CQC (care quality Commission) who would be able to assist you.
Question. Are surgeons specialists in hair transplants?
In most cases yes. Most noteworthy, a doctor can perform FUE (follicular Unit Extraction). However a doctor must be a qualified surgeon to perform FUT (follicular unit transplantations). There are of course many clinics that are opening up in the UK. Some doctors will be more experienced than others.
Question. How much should it cost?
There are currently no standards when it comes to Hair surgery. Some clinics charge per graft. Be mindful of this as most don’t know that a graft (follicular unit) may hold up to 4-5 hairs. Hence they could take 300 grafts equating to 1500 hairs. I have heard of some cases the patient was told 1500 grafts but when I see the amount of grafts taken I can see that is far less than 1500. Some clinic will charge £3.00 per graft or more. This would run into the thousands. I believe its better to get a price that covers the whole procedure instead of the above. I would say a price of between £2500 and £6000 would be fair. This of course depends on the size of the procedure.
Question. Does it hurt?
The procedure should be pain free. However, I would mention that the initial local anaesthetic may be slightly uncomfortable. Apart from that you should feel totally relaxed and pain free throughout the hair transplant procedure.
Question. How long does it take?
This very much depends on the amount of grafts and the type of surgery. Even the simplest of procedures would take several hours. 4-8 hours would be an approximation.
Question. What is the difference between FUE and FUT?
A simple explanation is that FUE is taking individual hair grafts from the donor site over a large area at the back and potentially the sides of the head. FUT is what we refer to as a strip graft procedure. This involves taking a strip of skin containing hair follicular units from the back of the head. This would result in a line scar after stitching. FUT tends to be more popular with female patients.
Question. Can Afro Hair be transplanted?
Yes it can. I would be cautious of using the FUE procedure as with Afro Hair this can reduce the chances of the hairs growing. FUT is considered the safest and best option for this type of skin. Check out our Afro Hair Surgery Page for further information.
Question. How long does it take to heal?
FUE procedures would take around 2 weeks to give a similar appearance of that prior to the procedure. This varies on skin type and colour. FUT (recipient site) would be the same. However the scar in an FUT procedure takes around 5 weeks to heal. dissolvable stitching is used. In both FUE and FUT you can return to work with care within a few days. This will depend on the type of work you do of course. Sitting in front of a computer is fine. A manual job would need more time to recover to avoid damaging grafts.
Question. Should I expect aftercare?
In my view yes you should. Sadly there are many cases where the patient has the procedure and that’s it. For an example, my clinic stays in constant contact with the patient on a daily basis for the first week. In addition we invite the patient back after week 1 to remove the scabs that form. This is not essential but we encourage this with out patients. We like to see the patients in FUT cases on a weekly basis for a few weeks. This again is not essential but this will ensure there is no complications or signs of infection. Until the hair grows we will keep in contact with the patient on a regular basis. Visits are arrange regularly. However, we find that once the initial few weeks have gone and the skin has healed then it is a matter of waiting for the hair to grow.
Question. Does the hair grow straight away?
In most cases the hairs will shed over a period of a few weeks. The hairs then will take up to 18 months to grow. As a rule most patients will see growth after 6 months on average.
If you have any questions that FAQ hair Transplant hasn’t answered please feel free to give us a ring. Thank you for reading.
The above image shows the actual planting of the hair grafts. Highly skilled technicians demonstrating the intricate procedure.
Dr Luciano Sciacca – Surgeon
Another example of planting the hair grafts. The patient relaxing watching the TV. Completely painless and totally relaxed.
How do I know what to choose? FUE or FUT?
Firstly, in most cases this will be a decision that you and the surgeon will discuss. Furthermore there are pros and cons for each type of hair transplant. FUE tends to be geared towards men who are happy to shave the back of the head. Women tend to do for the FUT as they prefer not to have to shave the back of the head for extractions.
If I have curly hair can I have FUE?
This will depend on the extent of the curl. Afro Hair would not be suitable for FUE to give you an idea. Also you need to remember that the punch that removes the grafts is straight. Therefore when it goes into the skin it has a high risk of transecting the hairs when curly.
Can I have a hair transplant if I have HIV?
Yes you can. You should be treated no different to any other patient.
What is the chances that an FUE or FUT will fail?
Firstly, you should understand that with any surgical procedure there are risks. Furthermore, failure is one of the risks. Preparing for the procedure is important and of course having the correct type procedure. I have heard of clinics that will offer FUE to afro cases. This in my view increases the risk considerably. You should expect success should be in the high 90’s % wise.