Female Pattern Baldness
First of all, Female Pattern Baldness (Androgen related alopecia) describes hereditary hair thinning and hair loss. Also this is a multi-factorial condition where follicular exposure to androgens (testosterone, Androsteinedione & dihydrotestosterone (DHT)) cause follicle miniaturisation. This also shortens the growth phase (anlagen). Most noteworthy, Terminal hair numbers reduce leaving vellus hairs. Notice what is happening here. The body is creating this issue. Hair Loss and Scalp disease are generally caused by the body so finding the cause is paramount. Therefore involving a professional trichologist is a good idea.
What can we do to help?
The amount of patients I have seen who have been wrongly diagnosed with female pattern baldness is huge. There are many clinics who will tell you that you are suffering from female pattern baldness to get you to buy their products. The truth is that you are suffering from a temporary hair loss condition that will regrow in time without the need for treatment. Patients purchase these treatments and the hair regrows and you think that’s great. But the truth is that the hair would have regrown anyway.
So the first thing is the establish correct diagnosis. Now, if you are suffering from female pattern baldness then you will need to know what can be done about that. Furthermore, there are lots of hair loss conditions that could be affecting you with perhaps similar symptoms.
What can be done about female pattern baldness?
In truth there is limited treatment for this type of hair loss. However, establishing if the female pattern baldness is a genetic predisposition or a self induced/self obtained hair loss is the key. This may sound a little confusing. Well, this is a science. There are a multitude of factors to consider when discussing female pattern baldness.
Other Factors of Female Pattern.
Female pattern baldness caused by follicular miniaturisation associated with endocrine changes and increased androgen presence.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome, virilisation (& hirsutism), irregular menstrual cycle, infertility, acne & seborrhoea oleosa. Hair loss is more severe. Androgenic Alopecia in women warrants endocrinological investigation. Menopausal Alopecia (androgenic alopecia) is associated with hormone changes. As estrogen reduces, hair-follicles become vulnerable to the effects of androgen exposure. Anti-androgen therapy may reduce further hair loss.
The following drugs may limit hair loss.
Spironolactone (Aldactone, Spiroctan, Diatensec),
Cyproterone acetate (Androcur)
Diane or Flutamide (Eulexin),
Minoxidil (Regaine).
Propecia is not currently indicated in women however 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors are currently being considered.
Hair Restoration Surgery in females
Surgical restoration may be an option for females. This is of course if the hair loss suffering is that of a permanent nature such as a female pattern baldness. Conditions such as Alopecia Areata are not suitable for this procedure. Furthermore females that suffer hair loss through female pattern are likely to suffer loss all over the scalp and not just on the parietals. Therefore there is a risk that the hair you transplant may be be affected and shrink. Afro Hair contrary to belief can be transplanted as well.
Non Surgical Hair Replacement
This again is a perfect way to resolve any hair loss condition. A temporary solution and will immediately, give you the hair thickness and style you desire. It is of course temporary and will allow time for hair to grow and of course cover any patches of hair loss. It will of course be a perfect solution for female pattern baldness sufferers.
Micropigmentation is a method commonly used today to create life like follicular marks on the scalp in order to create the image of thicker hair. Its a simple process that is used widely amongst the hair loss community.