Scalp Conditions Overview
A scalp condition or disease is a common issue for most people to go through, it can come in many forms. There a variety of different reasons that cause scalp conditions, stress, infection and hereditary reasons
Some Scalp Conditions
Shingles, Lupus, Lichen Planus Planopillaris, Scalp Eczema, Scalp psoriasis, Pityriasis, Alopecia Areata, Ringworm, Psuedo Pelade, Scarring Alopecias, Traction Alopecia, Allergic or irritant scalp reaction, Seborrhoeic Dermatitis, The list goes on and on. Maybe you have heard of some of these? Maybe you have notices some are hair loss conditions?
Scalp Psoriasis
Scalp Psoriasis is an unpleasant condition that affects around 2-3% of the population apparently. Maybe you have heard of this? Scalp Psoriasis causes the skin to proliferate at a much greater rate. Hence the skin produces thick white or yellow scales. Furthermore the irritation can be unbearable. In addition the scalp can look unsightly. Consequently the patients self esteem suffers. Scalp Psoriasis is not curable contrary to what some would say. However, sending it into remission is a strong possibility with the right treatment. Hence like all the other scalp diseases get some help and don’t guess. Reading any website should give you information and not a diagnosis.
Telephone Consultation
Let me tell you that some scalp diseases will result in permanent hair loss. Others will leave scarring. Some will heal with very little effort. The key is to know which one does what. This is your chance to speak with an expert. Its free and takes just a few minutes. Don’t worry we are not going to try and sell you something. We just want to know if we can help you. Hence give us a ring and see for yourself.
Consultation at the Holborn Clinic
Maybe you have been given a Diagnosis from your GP? Perhaps, you have seen a trichologist elsewhere? Furthermore you have have tried treatments suggested to you by friends or relatives? Whatever the reason a consultation is the perfect way to deal with any scalp disease. The contact form at the bottom of the page takes a moment to complete. Maybe you would prefer to ring? Either way we can arrange a convenient time to visit the Clinic.
The Holborn Clinic Team
Firstly of you you should know who you are actually making an appointment or speaking with. Beautiful websites can fool you. If I told you there are courses around the world consisting of just a few days that give out qualifications in Trichology. Furthermore there are those that have taken a day course in laser and call themselves a trichologist. Maybe is wrong of me telling you this. Maybe this is giving Trichology a bad name. In my view you need to know what’s out there! Let me tell you there are Qualified Trichologists like me who have studies for many years in the field of hair science. We work along side GMC doctors who take advice from us when discussing hair loss and scalp conditions. Therefore you can see that there is a distinct difference. The Holborn Clinic Team you will see are all highly qualified.
Also we are registered with the Care quality Commission CQC. This in a nutshell refers to the national governance of hair restoration surgery and other surgical matters. Most noteworthy, there are strict guidelines and governance. The Holborn Clinic team offers hair restoration surgery for Both men and women. FUE & FUT procedures undertaken. Afro-Caribbean Transplant. Maybe you are looking for Beard Transplant or eyebrow surgery? Established in 1964 We are the clinic that can help you for all your hair loss or itchy scalp concerns.
Pityriasis is like dandruff because it produces fine flakes. A non pathogenic fungal status that produce Fine spores. Furthermore there are different forms of pityriasis that affect different sections of the body. Further information can be found on the Pityriasis Page. Symptoms are vast and somewhat difficult to decipher because the show similarities to a number of ailments. These include Psoriasis, Neurodermatitis, Ringworm, Impetigo, Ichthyosis and Seborrhoeic Dermatitis. Pityriasis Simplex Capitis is a simple dandruff condition easily deal with.
Treatment Scalp Disease
First of all, the Holborn Clinic has a variety of hair loss and scalp disease treatments. In a lot of cases treatments are simple and quick. Furthermore, they are pain free and they work. Most noteworthy, in most cases the removal of the crusting will aid recover. However, because of the delicate nature of the scalp it is not advised that you attempt this at home. Furthermore, secondary infection may occur.
Maybe you would prefer to read some information on the various scalp diseases. Just click on the page required and happy reading. Of course if you have a specific question please drop us an email.